In my 26 years of existing on this wonderful planet of ours, i have experienced myriad moods and mood swings. My life, just like your life, can be traced on a graph (don't know why anyone would want to do that, though, prolly the physicists among us) and i am sure it will lead to startling observations (no, not really). The observation, if i may call it so, would be that most part of my life i have lived getting bored. Now, boredom has this infinite quality about itself that puts it in a range of emotions, yet in no emotion at all. So, it is the most stable part of that graph, yet the most restless!
As i sit cuddled up on the sofa, armed with my BB and ofcourse my earphones (The Whole World Out, My Happy Place In J), experiencing the variety of that emotion yet again, i realized that there are various types or branches of boredom, and i am actually bored enough to type them down so that you can read them when you are equally bored. All the best!
1. Bashful boredom : This kind of boredom, as the name rightly suggests, is shy. It is so because it cannot be brought out to the open. Like it is boring to sit at a relatives place or attend a wedding where you know no one. Everyone has experienced this kind of boredom and though it is killing, you really can't tell anyone that you are bored! So, you need to bashfully hide it behind layers of smiles and pancake and pretend to enjoy every moment of the time that refuses to pass. Sigh!
2. Benign boredom : Now, this kind of boredom comes to you when you really need it. Like when you've been under a lot of stress and working very hard, boredom seems like such a huge relief, as this is the time you have nothing to do. So, you can just relax and enjoy the moment as it flies by!
3. Brooding boredom : For many of us, this is the boredom that makes us feel like Plato and Socrates. Basically, brooding boredom just makes us brood and brood, and when we're bored of that, then brood some more. Now, what one broods about is completely that person's wish. It could be anything ranging from the most practical, like when i brood about what it entails to pursue hapiness; to the most impractical, like if i turn into aNolly Hollywood star. But the interesting thing about this kind of boredom is that the brooding never stops. Each time you brood, new doors of your imagination open and a chain reaction ensues. There are also some people who make a profession out of this and call it 'ideation'.
1. Bashful boredom : This kind of boredom, as the name rightly suggests, is shy. It is so because it cannot be brought out to the open. Like it is boring to sit at a relatives place or attend a wedding where you know no one. Everyone has experienced this kind of boredom and though it is killing, you really can't tell anyone that you are bored! So, you need to bashfully hide it behind layers of smiles and pancake and pretend to enjoy every moment of the time that refuses to pass. Sigh!
2. Benign boredom : Now, this kind of boredom comes to you when you really need it. Like when you've been under a lot of stress and working very hard, boredom seems like such a huge relief, as this is the time you have nothing to do. So, you can just relax and enjoy the moment as it flies by!
3. Brooding boredom : For many of us, this is the boredom that makes us feel like Plato and Socrates. Basically, brooding boredom just makes us brood and brood, and when we're bored of that, then brood some more. Now, what one broods about is completely that person's wish. It could be anything ranging from the most practical, like when i brood about what it entails to pursue hapiness; to the most impractical, like if i turn into a
4. Begetting boredom : Of all the various kinds of boredom, this is definitely the most productive. I mean it was nothing but this that actually made Newton discover gravity. Only a person who is bored to death could have the time and enthusiasm to wonder why on earth an apple fell down and not flew up! Also, Archimedes was definitely equally bored if not more, to figure out the displacement of water theory in the middle of a bath. And then there is always the fact, that it is this begetting boredom and nothing else that makes me put up such wonderful posts (erm erm, if i may say) for your kind perusal (so much for modesty!).
5. Bloodthirsty boredom : This boredom could kill you. It comes, it stays and it doesn't leave till you beg for mercy. This and nothing else could make me pick up my Encyclopedia and read it, as only when it finds that you are doing something even more dreadful, does it leave you. This is the boredom that is making you read this post! It comes when you really want to do something but can't think of anything worth doing. Its attacks are sudden and dangerous and you really have to be well prepared to deal with them.
(p.s. i still have that Encyclopedia, in case anyone needs it)
6. Bonding boredom : I have noticed that nothing brings people together like boredom. It is like a bond that has the power to create sororities and fraternities, but mostly its bonds are anything but sisterly/brotherly. It can make you like even the weirdest of persons because both of you are equally bored! So you find company to share your boredom with and once the boredom bonding you is gone, you couldn't run away from those people fast enough!
7. Binge boredom : I must confess that i am a victim of this branch of boredom. Basically, it is when you are so bored that all you do is eat and stare at the ceiling (that is, when you are not staring at food). It makes any food and all food taste good. Whoever said that hunger is the bestsource sauce got it all so wrong. Bings boredom consists of mainly the following steps : you frown and stare at empty space - you frown and go to the kitchen - you smile if there is good food there or frown if there isn't and you just have to each bread n butter - you do not frown while eating (more like hogging) - you frown when its over - you do not frown when you get more to eat - you frown coz you are too full by the end of it and feel 10 kgs heavier - you frown cause once again you are bored.
8. Blamed boredom : This poor chap is the one we blame when we are caught doing something we actually like, but are ashamed to admit it. Like a man blaming boredom for getting his eyebrows threaded or how i blame boredom to watch tv. I am sure all of us at some point of time or another used boredom as an excuse to get away when we have been caught doing things that our friends might consider 'weird', 'uncool' or something similar.
9. Braveheart boredom : This is when boredom bores you to such an extent that you are ready to do anything just to get out of it! It gives you this sense of willingness to go ahead and climb mount everest so that you have something to do and kill time with. Even the weakest of cowards turn into Hercules when inflicted with this boredom. I have a good feeling that 80% of the wars in history were fought because the leader were highly bored and the soldiers too had nothing better to do.
10. Boring boredom : Boredom that bores you falls in this category. It is when you are bored of being bored and that bores you even further. Like the time after exams when one feels absolutely jobless. After the initial hysteria and excitement is over, it is very boring to know that one has nothing to do now. And this boredom can really get on your nerves and bore you further after a point of time.
Now that I have bored you enough, i think i will go to sleep before i bore myself any further with this boring post! Till then, happy getting bored :D
5. Bloodthirsty boredom : This boredom could kill you. It comes, it stays and it doesn't leave till you beg for mercy. This and nothing else could make me pick up my Encyclopedia and read it, as only when it finds that you are doing something even more dreadful, does it leave you. This is the boredom that is making you read this post! It comes when you really want to do something but can't think of anything worth doing. Its attacks are sudden and dangerous and you really have to be well prepared to deal with them.
(p.s. i still have that Encyclopedia, in case anyone needs it)
6. Bonding boredom : I have noticed that nothing brings people together like boredom. It is like a bond that has the power to create sororities and fraternities, but mostly its bonds are anything but sisterly/brotherly. It can make you like even the weirdest of persons because both of you are equally bored! So you find company to share your boredom with and once the boredom bonding you is gone, you couldn't run away from those people fast enough!
7. Binge boredom : I must confess that i am a victim of this branch of boredom. Basically, it is when you are so bored that all you do is eat and stare at the ceiling (that is, when you are not staring at food). It makes any food and all food taste good. Whoever said that hunger is the best
8. Blamed boredom : This poor chap is the one we blame when we are caught doing something we actually like, but are ashamed to admit it. Like a man blaming boredom for getting his eyebrows threaded or how i blame boredom to watch tv. I am sure all of us at some point of time or another used boredom as an excuse to get away when we have been caught doing things that our friends might consider 'weird', 'uncool' or something similar.
9. Braveheart boredom : This is when boredom bores you to such an extent that you are ready to do anything just to get out of it! It gives you this sense of willingness to go ahead and climb mount everest so that you have something to do and kill time with. Even the weakest of cowards turn into Hercules when inflicted with this boredom. I have a good feeling that 80% of the wars in history were fought because the leader were highly bored and the soldiers too had nothing better to do.
10. Boring boredom : Boredom that bores you falls in this category. It is when you are bored of being bored and that bores you even further. Like the time after exams when one feels absolutely jobless. After the initial hysteria and excitement is over, it is very boring to know that one has nothing to do now. And this boredom can really get on your nerves and bore you further after a point of time.
Now that I have bored you enough, i think i will go to sleep before i bore myself any further with this boring post! Till then, happy getting bored :D
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